Free Channeled Messages

Linda Owner of Sacred Sanctuary Channeling

These channeled messages and energy transmissions including Light Languages and Light Codes are received through me for you from Source Love vibrational streams and Spirit Beings. These communications serve to support, heal and educate by providing a compassionate perspective on spirit/human life for individuals and the collective.  Some of these Beings have incarnated on planet Earth thus have personal knowledge of embodied human experiences. They advise from this awareness. Other guides have never been to Earth but assist as is their souls’ path to do so from their evolved worlds.  All of these Beings  are interested in Earth and her inhabitants.  We are partners who share, evolve and love together.        

Everyone can learn to communicate skillfully with any form of creation i.e. your body temple,  Higher Self, animals, spirit guides, One Source, the wind etc.  Some folks are more inclined to this art form but it is a learned skill available to all.                                                                                     

My Spirit Team often signs off with the request:
“Please remember us as we remember you.  With Love”

Channeled Message

If you've landed on my page today, it's not by chance. Take a moment to tune in to this message, as your presence here is purposeful, and this message is intended specifically for you.

Contact linda for a personalized channeled message


Beloveds-Into this world came a bright Light who was sent to illuminate and represent the One Source.  Thus, you were created by the Heart and Mind of the Divine.  And, you were ennobled with Source’s attributes for your sojourn.  If you understand this about yourself, you will travel Earth and Spirit planes conscious of Divine Compassion, Joy, Will, Love, Wisdom, Self Sovereignty and Grace.  All persons have the ability to understand their true human/spirit nature.  All are guided and supported in endeavors to unveil their own Divine Light Essence Self.  It is our deepest honor to join with Earth and her inhabitants.  We are amongst you to mutually share experiences, teachings, wisdoms and friendships for the healing, evolution and ascension of all of Creation.